Vitesse have expressed their interest in extending the loans of several youngsters from Chelsea, but the Premier League side have issued a warning over playing time.

  • By Michael Bell
  • Follow Michael on Twitter

solanke viiiVitesse currently have five Chelsea youngsters on loan, and technical Director Mo Allach will soon meet with the London club to discuss an extension for some of the players. However, Chelsea assistant manager Eddie Newton has told VI that they are concerned with the playing time their youngsters will receive.

Newton said, “It’s all about the players development for us. There are things that are important to us. Firstly, the player’s development on and off the pitch. Do they improve as a player, get more clever, more independent and things like that?”

“The second and equally important point: Is our player actually playing minutes. If this is not the case, then their development is in danger. Then we have to look at another club.”

Dominic Solanke is currently the only Chelsea loanee who has impressed this season, with Lewis Baker and Isaiah Brown appearing mostly from the bench, while Nathan and Danilo Pantic have barely featured at all.

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