Over the past month on Twitter, we have been collecting your votes in order to assemble the greatest ever line-up of players to have graced the Dutch top flight. Below is a video featured on our YouTube channel detailing who YOU chose to represent our high-calibre set of footballers.

Please like and share the video if you enjoyed it, and subscribe to our channel if you’re new.

Agree? Disagree? Make sure to also leave a comment if you would change any of the line-up. Who would make your bench? Who would be your manager to lead our ultimate Eredivisie XI? Let us know!

Click HERE for the video, or watch below…



Michael Statham (853 Posts)

Writer/interviewer/YouTuber for Football-Oranje. Massive Dutch football fan from the UK. Follow me @EredivisieMike & subscribe to Football-Oranje on YouTube.