Vitesse Arnhem have won their summary proceedings against businessman Marcell Ham The business man who was an adviser to previous owner Merab Jordania was thought to be owed 6.5 million euros by the club.The claim however has been dismissed by a court in Amsterdam.

  • By Himanshu Dhingra
  • Follow Himanshu on Twitter

vitteHam claims to have signed a contract with former owner in 2010 that would allow him 35% of all transfer dealings with the club.

The amount of 6.5 million was based on the transfers of Marco van Ginkel to Chelsea, Wilfried Bony to Swansea City and Alexander Buttner to Manchester United.

The club’s hierarchy were unaware of any such agreement and the document produced by the businessman also did not have the signature of then CEO Paul van der Kraan.

This is what club’s lawyer Knijffelingstraat had to say,

“Ham himself knew that Jordania was not authorized to sign the agreement. And if he does not know, he could have known”

This is what Ham’s lawyer Ronnie Eisenmann had to say on the verdict,

“We are confident that Vitesse certainly knew of the agreement. The last word has not been said about it here. We lost the battle, but the battle is not yet”

Apart from dismissing the claim Ham has been told to pay 7000 euros as court costs.

Himanshu Dhingra (207 Posts)

I come from a vast and a varied country - India. Big football fan, big Newcastle United, Ajax, Dortmund fan.